Love x Infatuation

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We often wonder what is the difference between love and infatuation or we often mistaken infatuation into love.

Here are some point of difference weather you're infatuated or in love.

  1. When you are infatuated, you always feels giggle when you see that certain person, it feels like there's a thousands of butterflies in your stomach, it flutters your heart like you're having a palpitations . Where as when you're deeply in love you feel calm and at peace seeing that special someone 😊.

  2. When you're infatuated you are always conscious of yourself, how look, your figure, your appearance in front of that someone. You always feels the need to look pleasant, to look good for them because you're afraid they might have less attractions to you when you look plain and boring. Where as when you're in love, you are always aiming to look descent for you to look respectable even if it means being simple. You can carry yourself having bare face infront of them because you can assure that someone really loves you for who you are and not for your looks.

  3. When you're infatuated you always want something in return of what you did. Like if you liked that someone he/she should like you even more. When you're in love you don't ask anything in return.

  4. When you're infatuated, it's likely cannot sacrifice so much. It cannot go deeper sacrificing anything just to pursue or maka relationship last. In love you have to sacrifice a lot, especially giving up your pride and ego to give way on long lasting relationship.

  5. Infatuated does not think long-term it's mostly likely stays on romantic pace. If the spark is gone, they're started to fall back. Starting to find the spark and the excitement that was lost, and the sad part is that they'll find it to another person, in this pace almost all failed to survive. Instead bringing back the excitement, the romance they had once before they chose to give up and dump the relationship and jump into another relationship. You should be aware that every relationship will have this stage, if you're in love you'll chose to stay, pick up the pieces and rebuilt what is lost.

There's so many difference between love and infatuation as love is the most mysterious thing you'll ever experienced in life. It'll give you thousands of emotions and thousands of rides. The choice is yours, if you'll ride it wonderfuly. If you'll reach the distination whith that someone or you'll change your ride and find another pair. We should always remember, every relationship has it's downfall its up to us if we choose to survive or chose to let go. To love and to be loved is the most magical thing ♥️💕💞.

-Eybyoung16 (6-14-20 +GMT 10:25PM)

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Yah, your right sis.

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3 years ago